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Family Film - KtG 5 Kamran.png
Family Film - KtG 6 Trinity.png
Teaching New Orleans hs.png
Cosmic Labyrinth Mozilla still.png
Farmer's Footprint & Cosmic Labyrinth Soil Painting Playshop
Cosmic Labyrinth Still dancing 2.png
CL alien drawing kiddo.png
Cosmic Labyrinth Still Mick Art class.png
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This is a project with many layers. Our initial focus is to provide children, teens, and parents around the world with unique and meaningful content and support during a time of crisis.



In order to do this, we want to honor the facilitators and support them during a time when many are financially and emotionally depressed.


We recommend donating between $11 - $33.

We will distribute the resources evenly to all participating facilitators. 



We are also open to partnerships, sponsorships and collaborations that are aligned with our principles. Thank you.

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